Tuesday, September 1, 2009

EEk. I'm a bad blogger

We've moved into our home in South Carolina. We absolutely love it! Living in SC is so much more peaceful than living in South Florida. Just the change in states has drastically reduced my stress...not to mention my car insurance. It is about $150 cheaper per month!  This is the view from our front yard. Notice the lack of a road in front of the house. We have just a path driveway in the neighborhood. So much safer than the busy street that was in front of our house in Homestead. 


DD was put on the waiting list for preschool. This was kinda good to hear, but also disheartening. It was good because I get to stay with her and her scholastic development is over average to excellent for her age. However, she was pretty excited about starting school (we are just going to have school 3 days a week here at the house for her and my DS) and we had kinda planned on me being able to make a little side money. Don't think I can with 2 kids in tow. Again, that is okay b/c we have to do what we've been doing. Rely on our Provider. 

I started my diet again. I am only a week into it, but I can already feel and notice a difference. I should stop calling it a diet. It is more like my new eating lifestyle! So, I am now actively involved in my new eating lifestyle. :)

I wasn't crafting much because of the moving process. 

However, the kids and I have started making paper. The three of us love this. 


also started using a spool by knifty knitter. It makes a tube/chord. I am going to make a rug (with yarn that I was given that matches the 2 living room chairs).  This is so easy DD can do it. She hasn't mastered how to wrap the yarn yet, but she can hook and pull it over, and SHE LOVES IT!



I continued working on the 2 afghans I am crocheting for Christmas presents. 



I am going to try to blog at least once a week. I shall name my official blogging day as Monday. I vow to blog at least every monday, but I don't guarantee that my blogs will be up on Mondays because I give myself until 11:59 pm on Mondays to complete a blog entry. Phew. Here's to sticking to commitments (besides God, my kids, husband and family): my new eating lifestyle, my christmas present afghans, and my blog.  

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