Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I'll take healing for 100 Alex....

I haven't exactly stuck to my every monday thing, but I didn't believe it when I wrote it. However, the utterance of the commitment has at least prompted me to write about once (every other) a week. Looks like my DH may come home for good. PTL!!

My kids have been taught and can successfully do somersaults. Believe it or not, but I can too. I was  trying to teach them the somersault technique, but I was 'skeeered' to try it myself. It has been years and 50 pounds since I last attempted one. Finally, I thought I should try it and actually show my little people what exactly I was trying to get them to do. To my surprise, I didn't hurt myself! So, I did about 100 of them. Oh, I was sore the next day. A few days later, my kids impressed with the way mommy can tumble, begged me to do another. Remembering my triumph, I strived to display the perfect tumble. As soon as my feet came up, there was a booming echoing CRACKkkk. To my surprise, it originated from my neck. My neck was immediately sore, and I couldn't go through it's full range of motion. I thought surely this was not good, but what the enemy intends for evil--God will use for good. GLORY! I slept well that night: an astonishing feet for normally I awake to excruciating tearful pain in my lower back. [The pain is an intense pressure on the bones, but I also feel pain, tingling and numbness down the left side of my butt, my left thigh radiating all the way down to my left foot which had been numb for several days prior to the neck CRACK incident. From my own description, I know that the psyiatic nerve is involved and perhaps a slipped disk or something not right with the vertebrae.] When I awoke, it was moments before dawn and I could feel both feet. I was able to sit straight up in bed (I have been rolling out of bed, onto my knees and then pushing myself up with the help of the bed. There were some days that I couldn't even roll, and the only thing that got my outta bed was prayer and the need to mommy my kids).  I think that somersault-neck crack was used to pull, stretch and realign my back.  Prayer Works. God Heals.

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